StoryMapJS of Harriet Tubman Monuments

In honor of the 106th anniversary of Harriet Tubman’s death on March 10, 1913, I created this story map of monuments dedicated to Harriet Tubman. To take the tour: use the red “take the tour” button, navigate using the arrow on the story map, or click the arrow next to the blog title to go directly to a full screen version of the story map.

Created using the open source tool StoryMapJS, Knight Lab, Northwestern University,

TimelineJS of Harriet Tubman Monuments

It's International Women's Day (March 8, 2019). Check out my timeline of Harriet Tubman monuments in the United States. To navigate use the arrow on the timeline, or click the arrow next to the blog title to go directly to a full screen version of the timeline.

TimelineJS Embed

Created using the open source tool TimelineJS, Knight Lab, Northwestern University,